Report of the Field Visit to Jiangxi Orphanages

By Zhou Bo - September 21-26, 2005

On September 21-26 Amity's Zhou Bo and Yang Xiao made field visits to orphanages in Yingtan, Hengfeng, Shangrao and Nanchang in the Jiangxi Province.  Their report from each orphanage is below.

  A Visit to Nanchang...

Foster Care Project:

We visited 12 foster children on this trip. Some children began receiving foster care this year. HTJ has changed a lot since we saw her last time. She can walk independently and is attending a normal kindergarten now.


School Tuition Project:

Some foster children are able to attend the nearby kindergarten. Just like other children in the neighborhood, the foster children entered the public kindergarten. They are able to receive an equal education, communicate with others and make friends. 

  They looked very happy. We bought some books for them. 

They were very happy and some children could not even wait to start reading...

  Yingtan | Hengfeng | Shangrao | Nanchang